ExhibitionJan 10, 2025-Jan 20, 2025

The Student Challenge 2024

from the cartoon

View the winning entry from the comic competition about this year's Peace Prize in our Pop-Up Studio from 10 January.

Everyyear, the Nobel Peace Center organizes a cartoon competition for school students, where the winning entry is turned into a professional comic. This year's competition engaged 7th-grade students from all over the country. The task was to convey the story of the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize winner, Nihon Hidankyo.

from the winners visit to the nobel peace center, posing together with the jury.

The entry from three students at Kringsjå School in Oslo was the jury's favorite. Their comic, recreated by comic artist Hans Jørgen Sandnes in collaboration with the students, will be exhibited as a popup exhibition at the Nobel Peace Center from 10 to 20 January . Sandnes is an illustrator, animator, and comic artist, known for creating the animation series Eventyrskogen and illustrating the children's book series Detective Agency No. 2. 

The competition was conducted in collaboration with NRK, Save the Children, and the Oslo Education Agency, and has received support from the Klaveness Foundation, as well as contributions from Gyldendal.

The competition winners visited the Nobel Peace Center and met the jury.