
Get to know the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize

The fasade of the nobel peace center
Photo: Johannes Granseth / Nobels Fredssenter

Get to know the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Peace Center invites to a celebration of the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize with an exciting program.

Time: 12 Oct 2024 10:00 - 11:00 CEST
Place: The Nobel Peace Center

On 11 October, we find out who the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to. On Saturday 12 October we gather to celebrate and learn about the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize laureate. The event will be live streamed and you can watch the recording here.

Programme will be updated.

From the event getting to know the nobel peace prize 2022
from the event getting to know the nobel peace prize 2023